Free Purposeful Activity Webinar for unpaid carers on 27th January

We want to let you know that the East of England regional mental health team has organised a session for unpaid carers of people living with dementia, to be delivered by TIDE, that's Together In Dementia Every day.

The event will take place on Thursday 27th January from 11am to 12pm though carers are free to join via Zoom from 10.30am for an informal chat or support.

The session will be led by carers and former carers and will be about 'Purposeful Activity. Here's some more information from the organisers:

‘Join us and hear from a carer’s perspective how you can introduce 'purposeful activity' into your daily routine. You will learn how activities at home can help the person you care for feel safe, settled and more comfortable.

We’ll talk about how behaviours can change as dementia progresses, especially over the winter months and provide hints and tips to help ensure the person you care for is occupied and engaged.’

Here’s the poster for the event:

You can register using this link

Numbers are limited and the event is open to unpaid carers living in the East of England only.

Ian Christie